Why a new way of leading?

We're in the midst of a technological and societal revolution. With the pace of change ever-quickening as our world becomes increasingly connected, the challenges we are confronting are of radically heightened complexity and reach.

The progressive deterioration of many of our systems from ecological to economic, and the widespread loss of trust in our foundational institutions - business, religious, political, media, government, judicial - are just two of the conundrums we face. We have difficult choices ahead. However our current leadership approaches are simply not up to the enormity of the task - of taking us on the higher road, not the lower.


These times call more than ever for a deepening of collaboration between individuals, teams, businesses, governments and nations. Instead we’re seeing the opposite - a growing fracturing of society along political, cultural and ideological fissures and a retreat into the 'safe' havens of escalating nationalism, isolationism, populism, xenophobia and identity politics. Not only is this magnifying differences and undermining social cohesiveness, it threatens the ongoing viability of many of our institutions and possibly even our survival as a species.

While the new technologies are neutral, their application is not. This is determined not by the level of our human intelligence but by the standard of our collective consciousness. Intelligence and consciousness are two different things. While intelligence is our ability to skillfully apply logic, knowledge and reason, consciousness is an evolutionary scale of awareness and valuing of self, others and the world that underpins how we behave, the decisions we make and the actions we take.


Our collective consciousness is profoundly impacted by the consciousness of our leaders. How they respond to the world around us influences how we collectively respond.


At the moment, our leaders are struggling with the world’s new ‘normal’. When we need them to step up by re-engaging people around the higher things that unite such as shared values/understandings and common goals, they can be found wanting. Whether as heads of international bureaucracies, company directors, corporate executives, politicians, media commentators, the clergy, judiciary or sportspeople, it is becoming increasingly difficult to trust in their ability to lead us with humility, integrity, compassion, strategic wisdom and a regard for the greater good.

Much of the leading we are witnessing today is devoid of heart. Being ego and head based – self-interested, defensive, linear and tactical - it is built on the flawed cognitive foundation of separation and duality as reflected in ‘either/or’ thinking and ‘I’m right, you’re wrong’ positioning. This is a lower level consciousness, albeit one underpinned by the illusion of reason, which sees survival and success in the world as a zero sum game. Actions are thereby self-interested, attacking or risk-averse, at best delivering superior versions of the status quo and at worst disempowerment and loss for others.


However there is another kind of leadership available to us – one animated by a different force. To shift into this way is a leap not a step, accessing a different perception lens through being connected inside ourselves, heart and mind working in synergy. The heart provides a different quality and depth of intuitive insight, understanding and inspiration beyond that of the head. The head makes rational sense of, designs, tests, organises and implements. It is the ability to draw upon and utilise both that is critical. This is leadership from a higher state of consciousness.

In becoming self-aware and genuinely open to others’ views and needs, leaders operating at this level of consciousness discern higher order solutions that move us beyond impasse. Because they have an intuitive commitment to collective upliftment, they are able to find and build upon the larger commonalities of need, hope, purpose and aspiration, enabling us to move forward together. This is now one of the most pressing challenges of our times.


The world is a mirror and our current struggles to collaborate on critical issues at a global level (national governments, international bodies, multinational businesses, global movements) reflect, on a grander scale, the challenges we face locally within our communities, organisations, single issue institutions and political parties.

Business, by virtue of its reach and impact, is well placed to become a force leading this shift in consciousness and taking us beyond current understandings and modus operandi. This will require a critical mass of globally networked leaders committed to being different and evolving new ways. An increasing number of boards and executives are stepping up to explore how.

We can BE different and together we can DO different.

After all, any collective of people whether political, government, business, community or familial is made up of individuals and each of us has a choice in how to be.

The journey to lifting our consciousness is an internal one, using free will to increase awareness of:

  1. How we perceive the world
  2. How we engage with the world

and using this awareness to choose and behave differently.

Anyone can be a conscious leader if willing to go beyond what already is, starting with self. The most heroic and challenging journey any of us will ever make is travelling the 40cms from brain to heart. The pathway is clearly mapped, tested and well-trodden by people before and around us and the world is now asking for more of us to take it. This is the new frontier of human and societal evolution.


Change your consciousness and you change the quality of your leadership.

If you are a leader, individual or organisation seeking to make a difference, we can support you and your team/organisation to lift your consciousness and thereby your effectiveness, delivering greater business outcomes as well as supporting the world to lift.

What does TLC do?

TLC guides and supports leaders to lift their consciousness to more effectively lead themselves, those immediately around them, their teams and their organisations.


Bespoke Consulting


Workshops / Rountables


Executive Mentoring / Coaching




Conscious Leadership

Conscious leaders are alert to their own internal state (feelings) and have a sensing awareness of the internal states of others. They are not only more ‘switched on’ to what’s happening around them, but authentically compassionate. Conscious leaders are uncompromisingly and selflessly committed to discerning the right thing to do in any situation.

How does TLC do it?

When you collaborate with TLC you are first entering into an authentic conversation about your hopes, challenges and context. Our focus is to understand this and in doing so, reveal and clarify what needs to lift for break-through progress and achievement.

TLC's skill and experience is in the breadth and depth of TLC's understanding of what keeps individuals, teams, business, and organisational systems locked in the same recurring patterns, at the same level of awareness (consciousness), producing the same results, and how to lift this. We are experienced at seeing the interference that often isn't seen within oneself and when standing inside the business. In partnership with you, we design an integrated way forward that is you and your business’s evolving blueprint for working with and transcending these status-quo ‘holding’ patterns. New possibilities, innovations and actions become available. TLC supports you to uncover these.


TLC does not offer socialised, ‘off the shelf’ quick-fixes. They rarely work in producing transformative and sustainable outcomes. At best they deliver improved versions of the status quo.

Unwavering persistence and a dedicated focus are required, however we will walk beside you throughout. A commitment by business to purpose, people, and planet can co-exist with a dedication to profit. Indeed they have become critically inter-dependent in achieving outstanding AND sustainable success.

Curious? How to get started…

Learn more about how lifting your consciousness influences the type of leader you are.
Developed from decades of corporate experience leading and developing leaders, teams, and businesses, domestically and internationally.
Reach out to arrange a conversation
Send us an email and we will organise to connect with you, find out about your aspirations/challenges, and give you feedback on how we can support.
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Join us for a half-day introductory workshop to learn about and experience the foundational principles of lifting leadership consciousness.
Join us for a 2 day Leadership Intensive Retreat for a deeper transformational experience.
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Invite us to present to your team, organisation or association about lifting consciousness in leadership.
Learn more about how lifting your consciousness influences the type of leader you are.
Developed from decades of corporate experience leading and developing leaders, teams, and businesses, domestically and internationally.
Reach out to arrange a conversation
Send us an email and we will organise to connect with you, find out about your aspirations/challenges, and give you feedback on how we can support.
Stay informed
Become a Turquoise Alliance Member to receive our complimentary updates, insights and blogs delivered to your inbox.
Experience a taste treat
Join us for a half-day introductory workshop to learn about and experience the foundational principles of lifting leadership consciousness.
Join us for a 2 day Leadership Intensive Retreat for a deeper transformational experience.
Arrange a presentation
Invite us to present to your team, organisation or association about lifting consciousness in leadership.

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What people say...


Tim “gets” the world we work and live in however challenges us to be a better version of ourselves whilst still keeping our feet on the ground.

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Peter Israel, Global Director, Power


With decades of experience working at senior and executive levels across many organisations, over time

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Dave Webby - Director

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Company Purpose – Shareholder Worth and/or Social Responsibility
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